W.E.R. LaFarge


After Pier graduated from Middlebury I published a poem on my website by our father W.E.R. La Farge, “To Catch a Blessing.” It’s about the magic of gatherings, and how it takes an entire community to harness — “to catch” — the blessing that is “in every place…going round & round | waiting for the circle of lives.” He would have been so proud of Pier, who was presented the Jason B. Fleishman award, named in memory a Middlebury student whose legacy is defined as “a model of strength and open-hearted service to others, and exemplifies leadership.”

W.E.R. died in 1994 (click here to read an obituary by Lowell LaPorte in the Groton Quarterly) but his poems, and his deep sense of community and caring for others, live on.  I’m slowly re-publishing his poems here, so it’s easy for folks to find them. 

W.E.R. was a wonderful, wise, big-hearted man. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of him, and strive to catch his blessing.

Poems by W.E.R. LaFarge 
(click a title to read the poem)

Bach: 300, written in celebration of Bach’s 300th birthday on March 21, 1985

To catch a blessing

private school children on the crosstown bus

this is about

generic poem

dear, gleaming family

earth’s song

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